Old Eulogy Schoolhouse

Old Eulogy Schoolhouse

The old town of Eulogy of Bosque county is now a ghost town with a very storied past. During prohibition (1920-1933), Eulogy was in its’ heyday. The town reportedly was a haven for speakeasies, moonshiners, bootlegging, and prostitution. Eulogy’s remote location within the county, combined with rugged tree lined roads and live water creeks provided the perfect brewing location and cover for the private stills needed to manufacture and store the illegal “white lightning”. The Old Eulogy Schoolhouse is now the only remaining building of this notorious bygone era. The Eulogy School was built in 1931 and abandoned about 1937. Prior to this 1931 brick schoolhouse, Eulogy had a two story wooden schoolhouse as depicted in old photos of the town. After the wooden schoolhouse burned in 1930, this two room brick school was built.
The 10xXx Ranch acquired the dilapidated building in 1998 and totally remodeled it in the spirit of the old school. The Old Eulogy Schoolhouse now has running water with a kitchen and bathrooms. The school stage and two classrooms remain much as they existed when the school was built. When the 10xXx opened the school for the very first Eulogy School reunion, many old timers attended and reminisced about the life and times of Eulogy. One attendee stated that he acted in the play “Bird in a Gilded Cage” on the stage at the school. Another attendee said that he shoveled all the sand used to build the school in 1931. While remodeling the school, workers found a chalkboard drawing hidden in the wall of the structure. The drawing depicts a cartoon of two men fighting. The mystery of the chalkboard drawing hidden in the wall of the Old Eulogy School seems to be lost to history, much like the many building of the notorious rural town of Eulogy of Bosque County.